Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Study on the Ductile Characteristics of Hybrid Ferrocement Slab #IJIRST Journal

Department of Civil Engineering

Poojya Doddappa Appa college of Engineering, Kalaburagi – 585102, Karnataka, India

Abstract:- This paper presents the ductile characteristics of hybrid Ferro cement slab incorporating polypropylene fibres and GFRP sheet. A total of 9 slab have been tested under two point flexural loading. The size of the slab is 1000 mm(length) x1000 mm(width) x 60 mm(thickness). The parameters studied in this investigation includes the number of weld mesh layers, polypropylene fibres i.e (0.3%) and GFRP sheet. from the studies, it is observed that the load carrying capacity and deformation. The stiffness of the specimens with zero layer weld mesh is lower than that of the specimens with two layers and three layers bundled. Further, there is reduction in number of cracks with increase in fibre content.

Keyword:- Ferrocement Slabs, GFRP Wrapping, Fibre Reinforcement, Ductility Factors, Crack Pattern

I.       Introduction

The development of new technology in the material science is progressing rapidly. In recent two or three decades, a lot research was carried out throughout globe for how to improve the performance of concrete in terms of strength and durability qualities. consequently concrete has no longer remained as a construction material. A new material consisting of wire meshes and cement mortar called ferrocement. it is one of the construction materials which may be able to fill the need for building light structures. ferrocement composite consist of cement-sand mortar and single or multi-layers of steel wire mesh to produce elements of small thickness having high durability, and when properly shaped it has high strength and rigidity. These thin elements can be shaped to produce structural members such as folded plates, flanged beams, wall pane,. etc for use in the construction of cheap structures. Ferro cement elements are generally more ductile when compared to conventional reinforced concrete elements but post peak portion of load- deflection curve in bending test of Ferro cement elements reveals that failure occur  either due to mortar failure in compression or due to failure of extreme layers of mesh.  From the above discussions, it can be noted that, research work out on the ductile behavior of hybrid ferrocement slab with fibre. The present Investigation is aimed at to investigate the ductile behavior of hybrid ferrocement slabs with and without Considering the effect of fibres.  Compared with the conventional reinforced concrete, ferrocement is reinforced in two directions; therefore, it has homogenous-isotropic properties in two directions. Benefiting from its usual high reinforcement ratio, ferrocement generally has a high tensile strength and a high modulus of rupture. In addition, since the specific surface of reinforcement in ferrocement is one to two orders of magnitude higher than that of reinforced concrete, larger bond forces develop with the matrix resulting in average crack spacing and width more than one order of magnitude smaller than in conventional reinforced concrete (Shah and Naaman 1997, Guerra et al 1978). Other appealing features of ferrocement include ease of prefabrication and low cost in maintenance and repair. Based on the abovementioned advantages, the typical applications of ferrocement are water tanks, boats, housing wall panel, roof, formwork and sunscreen (Nimityongskul et al 1980 and Kadir 1997).. Ferrocement over the years have gained respect in terms of its superior performance and versatility. Ferrocement is a form of reinforced concrete using closely spaced multiple layers of mesh and/or small diameter rods completely infiltrated with, or encapsulated in, mortar. In 1940 Pier Luigi Nervy, an Italian engineer, architect and contractor, used ferrocement first for the construction of aircraft hangars, boats and buildings and a variety of other structures. It is a very durable, cheap and versatile material.

II.       Experimental investigation

The experimental investigation consists of testing of nine hybrid ferrocement slabs. the Variables Considered In The Study(I) Numbers Of Welded Square Mesh Reinforcement.(ii) Percentage of polypropylene fibres in mortar.(iii) Number of GFRP layer wrapping. The details of experimental studies including characterization are presented below.

A.      Materials Used

The materials that are used in this experiment are cement, steel fiber, fine aggregate, super plasticizer and water.

1)     Cement:

OPC 53 grade cement from a single batch has been used throughout the course of the project work, properties of cement are shown in table 2.

2)     Fine aggregates:

Only fine aggregate is used in Ferrocement the aggregate consists of well graded fine aggregate (sand)   that   passes   a   4.75  mm   sieve.  and   since   salt-free   source   is recommended, sand should preferably be selected from river-beds and be free from  organic  or  other  deleterious  matter. Good amount of consistency and compactibility is achieved by using a  well- graded, rounded, natural sand having a maximum top size about one-third of the small opening in the reinforcing mesh to ensure proper penetration. The moisture content of the aggregate should be considered in the calculation of required water.

3)     Super plasticizer:

Super plasticizer used in the present investigation is FOSROC CONPLAST SP430. and the details of super plasticizer is given  in table.1.

4)     Polypropylene Fiber:

Having specific gravity 0.90 -0.91 gm/cm3 because of its low specific gravity ,polypropylene yields the greatest volume of fibre for a given weight. This yield means that the polypropylene fibre provides good and bulk cover, while being lighter in weight. Polypropylene is lightest of all fibres and is lighter than water. It is 34% lighter than polyester and 20% lighter than nylon.

5)     Water:

Potable water was used in the present investigation for both casting and curing. the  water  used  for  mixing  cement  mortar  should  be  fresh, cleanand fit for construction purposes; the water of pH equal or greater than 7 and free from organic matter—silt, oil, sugar, chloride and acidic material.

For more information go on below link.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Applications and Challenges of Human Activity Recognition using Sensors in a Smart Environment #IJIRST Journal

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kerala, India

Abstract:- We are currently using smart phone sensors to detect physical activities. The sensors which are currently being used are accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer, etc. Recently, smart phones, equipped with a rich set of sensors, are explored as alternative platforms for human activity recognition. Automatic recognition of physical activities – commonly referred to as human activity recognition (HAR) – has emerged as a key research area in human-computer interaction (HCI) and mobile and ubiquitous computing. One goal of activity recognition is to provide information on a user’s behavior that allows computing systems to proactively assist users with their tasks. Human activity recognition requires running classification algorithms, originating from statistical machine learning techniques. Mostly, supervised or semi-supervised learning techniques are utilized and such techniques rely on labeled data, i.e., associated with a specific class or activity. In most of the cases, the user is required to label the activities and this, in turn, increases the burden on the user. Hence, user- independent training and activity recognition are required to foster the use of human activity recognition systems where the system can use the training data from other users in classifying the activities of a new subject.

Keyword:- Human Activity Recognition

I.       Introduction

Mobile phones or smart phones are rapidly becoming the central computer and communication device in people’s lives. Smart phones, equipped with a rich set of sensors, are explored as an alternative platform for human activity recognition in the ubiquitous computing domain. Today’s Smartphone not only serves as the key computing and communication mobile device of choice, but it  also comes with a rich set of embedded sensors [1], such as an accelerometer, digital compass, gyroscope, GPS, microphone, and camera. Collectively, these sensors are enabling new applications across a wide variety of domains, such as healthcare, social networks, safety, environmental monitoring, and transportation, and give rise to a new area of research called mobile phone sensing. Human activity recognition systems using different sensing modalities, such as cameras or wearable inertial sensors, have been an active field of research. Besides the inclusion of sensors, such as accelerometer, compass, gyroscope, proximity, light, GPS, microphone, camera, the ubiquity, and unobtrusiveness of the phones and the availability of different wireless interfaces, such as WI-Fi, 3G and Bluetooth, make them an attractive platform for human activity recognition. The current research in activity monitoring and reasoning has mainly targeted elderly people, or sportsmen and patients with chronic conditions.
The percentage of elderly people in today’s societies keep on growing. As a consequence, the problem of supporting older adults in loss of cognitive autonomy who wish to continue living independently in their home as opposed to being forced to live in a hospital. Smart environments have been developed in order to provide support to the elderly people or people with risk factors who wish to continue living independently in their homes, as opposed to live in an institutional care. In order to be a smart environment, the house should be able to detect what the occupant is doing in terms of one’s daily activities. It should also be able to detect possible emergency situations. Furthermore, once such a system is completed and fully operational, it should be able to detect anomalies or deviations in the occupant’s routine, which could indicate a decline in his abilities. In order to obtain accurate results, as much information as possible must be retrieved from the environment, enabling the system to locate and track the supervised person in each moment, to detect the position of the limbs and the objects the person interacts or has the intention to interact with. Sometimes, details like gaze direction or hand gestures [1] can provide important information in the process of analyzing the human activity. Thus, the supervised person must be located in a smart environment, equipped with devices such as sensors, multiple view cameras or speakers.

For more information go on below link.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

#IJIRST Journal

Top Rated International Journal  Recommended By Most of University

Impact Factor : 1.638

ISSN : 2349-6010

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dynamic Power Reduction in NOC by Encoding Techniques #IJIRST Journal

Abstract:- As technology improve the size will be reduced, and the power dissipated by the links of a network-on-chip (NoC) is starts to participate with the power dissipate by the other element of communication system, for example the routers and the network interfaces (NIs). We design an set of data encoding technique by different schemes to decrease the power dissipation by an links of NoC, which optimizing the on-chip communication system not only in terms of performance but also in terms of power. The idea presented in this paper is base on encoding the packets before they are inserted in to the network in such a way as to minimize both the switching action and the coupling-switching action in the NoC’s link which represent the main factor of power dissipation. These schemes were universal and transparent with respect to the construct NoC fabric that means this application will not require any change in the router and link of architecture. These will be carried in both artificial and real traffic scenario. These effective of the proposed scheme will tolerate to save the energy consumption and power dissipation without changing the performance degradation and with less area consumption in the NI.  

Keywords: switching action, encoding, network-on-chip (NoC), low power, router, Network interfaces (NIs)

I.       Introduction

Moving towards silicon technology node to the next results faster and more efficient gates but slower because there is a more power hungry wires. More than 50% of total dynamic power is dissipate in interconnection in current processor, and this was expected to increase more over in the next several years. Global interconnect length does not scale with smaller transistors and local wires. Chip size remains relatively constant because the chip function continues for instance the RC delay increases exponentially. The RC delay in a 1-mm worldwide wire at the smallest pitch is superior to the intrinsic delay of a two-input NAND fan-out. If the raw computation horsepower seems to be un-limited, thanks to the ability of instance more core’s in a single silicon chip, scalable issue occur, due to making an efficient and reliable communication among the increasing number of core’s, become the real problem. The NOC invent is documented as the most feasible way to tackle with scalable and variability issue that characterize the ultra-deep sub-micron-meter.
Now a days in the on-chip communication issue is relevant, in some of the case more relevant than commutating related issue. The communication sub-system more and more impacts the usual designed objective, and also includes cost (i.e., area of silicon), performances, dissipation of power, consumption of energy and reliability. As technology improves the size is reducing and more fraction of total power is budget of the complex in more core of the system-on-chip (SoC) this is because of communication sub-system.
Here we attentation on the technique aim to minimize power dissipation by a network link. The power dissipation in the network is relevant as that dissipation by NIs, routers and it is giving that ordinary to increase the technology scale. We are representing the set of encoding schemes for data which is in binary formate, and it is operated at flit level, and an end-to-end basis, this allows us to minimize the switching action and coupling switching action at the link of an direction is traverse by a packet. This encoding schemes, were transparent by respect to router execution, and they are presented, discussed in both algorithmic-level and architectural level, it is assessed via the simulation in the artificial, real traffic scenario. These analysis gives an different aspects, metrics design, it include area of silicon, energy consumption and dissipation of power. From the results we can conclude that with these proposed encoding schemes that power will save and also energy will be save without changing any major degradation in the performance in the NIs.

II.       Motivation and Related work

The accessibility of chips is growing every year. In next few years, the accessibility of cores with 1000 cores is foreseen. Since the focus of this paper is to decrease the power dissipation by link which decreases the dynamic power, here we are going review the works in the area and link power reduction. Also these will include some technique. They are, use of shielding to  increase line-to-line space and repeater insertion. So above technique have large area consumption. One method is the data encoding technique, its mainly focus is to reduce the link power. The encoding technique’s is categorize in to two group. In 1st group we are going to decrease the power by the self-switching action of the each bus line and avoid the dissipation of power by coupling switching action.
These work concentrate on the different component of the inter connection network such as NIs, router, and link. Because these will reduce power dissipation by an link, in this paper, we are going to brief the review some works in the region of link power reduction. These include the technique that make use of shielding, which increase line-to-line space and repeater inserted. They all increases the silicon chip area. These encode scheme is an additional technique that is employed to reduce dissipation of power in link. The data encoding technique has been classified in to two class. In the first class, encoding technique concentrate on reducing the power due to self-switching action of separate bus line while ignoring an power dissipation due to their coupling-switching action. In these class, bus invert (BI) and INC-XOR have been proposed for these case that casual random data pattern is transmitte through the lines. On the other hand, gray code, T0, working-zone encoding, and T0-XOR were suggest for the case of correlation data pattern. Application particular approach have also been proposed
This class of encoding will not be appropriate to be applied in the deep sub-micron meter technological node where the coupling capacitance constitute an most important part of the total inter-connect capacitance. This will cause the power consumption due to the coupling-switching action to become a big fraction of the total power consumption in the links, that making the aforementioned techniques, which ignore such contributions, inefficient. The works in the second class concentrate on reducing power dissipation through the reducing the coupling-switching action. Among these schemes, the switching action is reduced by using many additional control lines. For example, the data bus width grows from 32 to 55. The techniques proposed in have a smaller number of control lines but the complexity of their decoding logic is high. The technique described as follows: first, the data are both odd inverted and even inverted, and afterwards transmission is perform using these kind of inversion which reduce more switching action. The coupling switching action it is reduced, this is compared with another, so we use a simple decoder although achieving a higher activity reduction.
The scheme presented is to reduce the coupling switching action. In this method, encoder count the number of Type I (Table I) transitions with a weighting coefficient of one and the number of Type II transitions with the weighting coefficient of two. If the number is larger than half of the link width, the inversion will be performed. In addition to the complex encoder, the method only works on the patterns whose full inversion leads to the link power reduction while not considering the patterns whose full inversions may lead to high link power consumption. So the link power reduction achieved through this technique is not as large as it could be. This scheme was also based on the hop-by-hop technique.

In another coding technique presented in, bunches of four bits are encoded with five bits. The encoded bits were isolated using shielding wires such that the occurrence of the patterns “101” and “010” were prevented. This way, no simultaneous Type II transitions in two adjacent pair bits are induced. This technique effectively reduces the coupling switching activity. Although the technique reduces the power consumption considerably, it increases the data transfer time, and, hence, the link energy consumption. This is due to the fact that for each four bits, six bits are transmitted which increases the communication traffic. This technique was also based on the hop-by-hop approach.
For more information go on below link.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Design and Modeling of Drum Handling Equipment #IJIRST

Abstract:- This paper presents the use of drum handling equipment in the industries to reduce worker for drum handling. Material handling effect on human studied in this paper. Also study different material handling equipment used in industries.

Keywords: Industries, Material Handlings, Material Handling Hazards

I.       Introduction

In many industries raw material and finished product handled in 210Lit. Drum. They handle drum manually. In work place drum transported, lifted, Loaded, tilted etc. manually. Handling heavy load manually takes more time, also it is hazards and risky. In small pharmaceutical company around 25 different type of raw material use. It is in liquid form which is taken out from 210lit. Drum by loading on horizontal stand. Company requires effective material handling equipment to solve material handling problem.  
Manual drum handling equipment is used to do various function like transport, tilting, lifting, loading, unloading etc. In small industries or work shop drum barrel is handled manually which takes more time and more worker. Handling drum manually without using any equipment is hazards.           
Manual handling is transporting or supporting of a load by one or more workers. It includes the following activities: lifting, holding, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of a load.1 The load can be an animate (people or animals) or inanimate (boxes, tools etc.) object.

Manual handling occurs in almost all working environments (factories, warehouses, building sites, farms, hospitals, offices etc.). It can include lifting boxes at a packaging line, handling construction materials, pushing carts, handling patients in hospitals, and cleaning. 

II.       Concept

In this, following objectives are to be carried out –
  1.  To minimize worker for Drum transporting, loading, unloading, lifting and tilting process.
  2.  To study material handling equipment for Drum handling.
  3.  To study the lifting and loading effect on human.
  4.   To study the ergonomic of material handling.
  5.  To Design modified drum tilting mechanism.
  6.  To fabricate prototype model.
  7.  Testing and conclusion.

This paper is published in our journal and for more information CLICK Here

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

#IJIRST Journal

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Impact of Boiler Water Chemistry on Waterside Tube Failures#IJIRST

IJIRST Journal published this paper in our journal. so kindly check it on our website.

Manuscript Title: Impact of Boiler Water Chemistry on Waterside Tube Failures

Abstract: This paper emphasis on the study of typical premature failure of water wall tubes of two thermal power plant boiler of same capacity (250 MW) and same operational parameter but with different boiler water chemistry.  The investigation concludes on the waterside corrosion in both of the case.  One boiler is running with coordinated phosphate treatment (CPT) and another with all volatile treatment (AVT).  The causes of corrosion were discovered and proposed measures for their elimination were given. Visual examination, chemical analysis of deposits, oxide scale thickness measurement and micro structural examination were carried to ascertain the probable cause/causes of failure. From the investigation, it was finally concluded that the combination of localized high tube metal temperature and wall thinning due to under deposit corrosion led to the premature tube failure in boiler running with coordinated phosphate treatment and localized pitting corrosion in boiler running with AVT. Based on the results and discussions, a possible way to combat the corrosion was proposed.
Keywords: Boiler Water Chemistry, Boiler Tube Failure, Caustic Gauging Corrosion, Pitting Corrosion, Boiler Deposits

I.       Introduction

Thermal power plants contribute about 75% to all India installed capacity of electric power generating stations. In worldwide energy sector, about 37% of electricity is produced by combusting coal [1-2]. Most of the Indian industrial boilers has been a prominent problem of boiler tube failure (BTF).  The tube failure causes loss in generation and which in turn responsible for massive economic loss. All type of boiler tubes have their defined life period and can fail due to various failure mechanisms. So, Successful and reliable operation of steam generating equipment needs the use of the best available methods to prevent scale and corrosion. In the boiler feed water cycle the ingress of contaminants, deposition of contaminants, and corrosion were found as the major carriers of potential problems who may have major role for the analysis of boiler tube failures. Failure can occur in all boiler areas: economizers, waterwalls, super-heaters (SH) and re-heaters (RH). Figure 1 shows simplified schematic of a coal fired sub critical boiler. The boiler tubes are of various sizes and thickness depending upon the pressure and mid wall metal temperature. According to the failures by location, water wall tubes are the second highest failure location after superheater tubes. However, according to the failures by material, carbon steel tubes statistically lead as the most frequent material causing failures. Correct tube material selection to resist the surrounding temperature is also one other decisive factor to stop the chances of BTF. Normally the water touched areas like economizer and waterwalls are made of boiler grade carbon steel. Superheater and reheater will have combination of low alloy tubes of stainless steels tubes. Figure 2[a] and [b] show the schematics of   heat transfer modes in the radiant and convective section of coal fired boiler. When the tube metal is in contact with the steam over period of time, the oxidation process may begin to form a layer of protective magnetite (Fe3O4) scale. Ferrous hydroxide [Fe (OH) 2] is believed to be an intermediate in this process, converting to magnetite above 100°C according to the Schikorr reaction:
Fe + 2 H2O → Fe (OH) 2 + H2
Followed by reaction:
3Fe (OH) 2 → Fe3O4 + 2 H2O + H2

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Study on Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Laterite Sand

IJIRST Jouranl Published this paper in our journal. this is civil engineering field paper.

Abstract: The upturn in prices of materials for building construction is causing a lot of concern due to more utilization of building materials such as fine aggregate, coarse aggregate for the construction of structures, creating need for research into original materials as alternatives in building and rural infrastructures. Research efforts are directed towards enhancing the use of locally and readily available material such as lateritic soils for the construction. This study presents, the results of an experimental program to study the strength and durability performance of laterized concrete. A total of 108 cubes of 150mm, 108 cylinders 150mm dia X 300mm height and 81 prisms of 100 X100 X 500 mm dimensions were casted and cured in water as well as chemical solution for 7, 28, 60, and 90 days. Laterized concrete is concrete in which some or all of the fine aggregate is from laterite. To perform this investigation, M30 grade concrete is used, mix proportions 1: 1.274: 3.126 (Cement: sand/laterite: granite) with water/cement ratio of 0.45 was used. In this investigation, percentage laterite content (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) exposure periods of 7, 28, 60, and 90 days on the compressive, flexure and splitting tensile strength tests of laterized concrete were investigated and also the effect of varying percentages of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) concentrations 1%, 3% and 5%, exposure periods of 7, 28, 60, and 90 days on the compressive, flexure and splitting tensile strength tests of laterized concrete were investigated. Data results revealed that the laterite fines used could satisfactorily replace the sand up to 30%. By fixing the laterite content as 30% of fine aggregate, the specimens are tested for durability studies under chemical attack. The specimens are immersed in H2SO4 solution for concentrations of 1%, 3%, 5% for an exposure period of 7, 28, 60 & 90 days, and the strengths of concrete at these ages were investigated.
Keywords: Concrete, Laterite Sand, Laterized Concrete, Sulphuric Acid, Tests

I.       Introduction

Concrete is the most commonly used construction factual in India and other countries also. It is tough to point out another material of construction which is as adaptable as concrete. It is the material of choice where strength, flexural structure, better workability, performance, durability, impermeability, fire resistance and abrasion resistance are required. Cement concrete is one of the outwardly simple but actually complex materials. Many of its compound behaviors are yet to be identified to employ this material advantageously and frugally.
Concrete is so closely related with every construction activity that it touches every human being in his day to day living. It is an artificial compound generally made by mixing of binding material(Cement), fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, water and admixtures in suitable proportions. Concrete does not solidify from drying after mixing and placement; the water  reacts with the cement in a chemical process known as hydration. In India the annual consumption of cement is in the order of approximately 22 million tons. Concrete is a site-made material unlike other materials of construction and as such can vary to a very great extent in its quality, properties and performance due to the use of natural materials except cement. From materials of varying properties, to make concrete of stipulated qualities, an intimate knowledge of the interaction of various ingredients that go into the making of concrete is required to be known, both in the fresh and hardened conditions. This knowledge is necessary for concrete technologists as well as for site engineers. The increased demand for the usage of the huge quantity of concrete leads to increase in cost of binding material (cement) and depletion of natural sources of fine aggregate which in turn increases cost of concrete. Due to above cause alternative materials are required to partially or fully replacement for portland cement or fine aggregate or coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture to continue the construction work, without changing the previous properties of the concrete like strength, workability and durability. Laterite is a product of intense sub aerial weathering. Laterisation process involves leaching of alkalis, basis and silica with complimentary enrichment of alumina, iron and some trace elements.

II.    Review of literature

Felix F. Udoeyo, Udeme H. Iron, Obasi O. Odim et all are conducted an experimental program to investigate some characteristics of concrete containing laterite as a partial or fullreplacement of sand is presented in this paper. Sand in a concrete of mix ratio 1:2:4:0.56 (cement:sand:coarse aggregate:water-cementratio) was replaced with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% laterite. The results show that concrete with up to 40% replacementlevel of sand by laterite attained the designed strength of 20 N/mm2, thus indicating the possibility of using laterite as a partial replacement for sand up to this level. It was also observed from the results that the workability of laterite concrete (LATCON) increases with increase in the replacement level of sand by laterite, while the compressive, split tensile, and flexural strengths and the percentage water absorption of the concrete decrease with increase in the replacement level of sand.

III. Experimental investigations

Concrete is a mixture of binding material, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. Before performing this investigation, to know properties of materials such as fineness, normal consistency, initial setting time, final setting time, specific gravity, etc of cement, fineness modulus, bulk density, bulking, specific gravity of fine aggregate and fineness modulus, bulk density, specific gravity of coarse aggregate which are used in the concrete are essential.

For more information about this paper Click Here 

Friday, September 11, 2015

A Novel High Resolution Adaptive Beam Forming Algorithm for High Convergence

Abstract: This paper introduces a new robust four way LMS and variable step size NLMS beam forming algorithm to reduce interference in a smart antenna system. This algorithm is able to resolve signals arriving from narrowband sources propagating plane waves close to the array end fire. The results of previously used adaptive algorithm have the fixed step size NLMS will result in a trade-off issue between convergence rate and steady-state MSE of NLMS algorithm. This issue is solved by using four way LMS and VSSNLMS which will improve the efficiency of the convergence point. The proposed algorithm implemented reduces the mean square error (MSE) and shows faster convergence rate when compared to the conventional NLMS.
Keywords: Adaptive Antenna, Beamforming, Means Square Error (MSE), Convergence

I.   Introduction

A.      Introduction

In today’s world numbers of mobile users are increasing day by day, hence it is necessary to serve such a huge market of mobile users with high QOS even though the spectrum is limited. This becomes a major challenging problem for the service providers to solve. A major limitation in capacity and performance is co-channel interference caused by the increasing number of users and the multipath fading and delay spread. Research efforts investigating effective technologies to mitigate such effects have been going on and among these methods Adaptive antenna employment is the most promising technology. This project works on Adaptive Antenna which ensures high capacity providing with the same Quality of Service(QOS).In a normal scenario currently the mobile towers employ parabolic dish or a horn antenna but this suffers if the SNR is low the signals have to be repeatedly retransmitted from mobile station to base station. The use of Adaptive Antenna considers an array of antennas in which the antenna will receive the delayed versions of the electromagnetic wave and adds them to achieve high SNR.

B.      Problem Statement

In the earlier antenna radiation was directed based on frequency or time, Therefore spectrum was not utilized efficiently because as the number of users increases the quality of service decreases. Hence, in this work a solution to use the Adaptive antenna frameworks have been proposed and used as an efficient means to meet the quickly expanding the  traffic volume. This issue of Technology has discusses the importance of various advanced antenna schemes for improving the same amount of spectrum and provides service to the large amount of mobile users is deduced. This is done by separating the users with respect to direction.

II.                Adaptive antenna

Adaptive antenna is the one which adapts itself to pick the user signal in any direction without user intervention , basically it undergoes through a two phase process:
-         Direction detection Estimation (DDE) using a suitable algorithm and sensor data.
-         Beam forming which forms a beam in the desired direction and nulls in the interference direction.
Direction Detection Estimation (DDE) methods are used to detect the incoming wave and the other signals which arrive from different parts of the space can be processed to extract different type of data including direction desired incoming signal falling on the antenna array.

Beam forming is a process of forming the Main beam in the desired direction and nulls in the direction of jammers direction. The block diagram is shown in  Figure1 shows an adaptive antenna structure with N antenna elements, DDE blocks, Adaptive signal processor algorithms to make adaptive antenna system smart, where incoming signal is processed by beam forming algorithms the figure also shows main beam formed in the direction of desired signal and nulls in the jammers direction.
Fig. 1: Adaptive Antenna

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Validation of Failure of Beater Shaft of Double Roller Ginning Machine using Mathematical Failure Analysis Approach

Abstract:- A cotton gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, allowing for much greater productivity than manual cotton separation. The fibers are processed into clothing or other cotton goods, and any undamaged seeds may be used to grow more cotton or to produce cottonseed oil and meal. The cotton gin is a machine used to separate cotton fibers from the seed. The double roller ginning machine consists of various parts such as beater shaft, leather roller, moving knife, fixed knife, feeder, etc.         During the ginning operation the shaft fails at certain location. The actual failure position of shaft shown in fig no A was studied and the failure analysis using theories of failure was used to identify and validate the place or point of failure.

Keywords: Ginning machine, beater shaft, theories of failure, SFD, BMD, failure analysis

I.       Introduction

Ginning, in its strictest sense, refers to the process of separating cotton fibers from the seeds. The cotton gin has as its principal function the conversion of a field crop into a salable commodity. Thus, it is the bridge between cotton production and cotton manufacturing.  Ginning is the first and most important mechanical process by which seed cotton is separated into lint (fiber) and seed and machine used for this separation is called as gin. It consists of two spirally grooved leather roller pressed against a fixed knife, are made to rotate at about 90-120 rpm. Two moving blades combined with seed grids constitutes a central assembly known as beater which oscillates by means of a crank or eccentric shaft, close to the fixed knife. When the seed cotton is fed to the machine in action, fibers adhere to the rough surface of the roller are carried in between the fixed knife and roller in such a way that the fibers are partially gripped between them. The oscillating knife beats the seed and separates the fibers. This process is repeated for number of times and due to push-pull-hit action the fibers are separated from the seed, carried forward on the roller and dropped out of machine. The ginned seeds drop down through the grid which is oscillating along with beater.

Fig. 1: Double Roller Gin machine

The beater assembly is the innermost and major part of the double roller gin and is sandwiched symmetrically between the stationary knives as shown in fig.  It is composite unit consisting of moving knives and seed grids situated on the either side of the beater shaft. It has anchor shaped cross section and its axle is situated 100cm above ground and 15cm from each roller. Beater trough with perforations having concave edge with radius of 565cm and angle of 144 degree between two arms is provided to stop unginned cotton to fall down into seed chute.


This paper is published in our journal for more information go on above link.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

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Friday, September 4, 2015

Thermodynamic Analysis of Triple Pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator

Abstract:-Thermodynamic analysis of the triple pressure reheat combined cycle gas turbine with duct burner are presented  and  discussed  in this  paper .The overall performance of a combined cycle Gas turbine power plant is influenced by the ambient temperature and turbine inlet temperature. These parameters affect the overall thermal efficiency, power output .The ambient temperature increases the gas temperature and also the individual steam   production rate also increased at each stage of the turbine. The exergy   is used to evaluate maximum irreversibility of the process present in the cycle.
Keywords: exergy, energy, HRSG

I.       Introduction

Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) is an interface between the gas cycle and the steam cycle in combined cycles. The classical approach to HRSG optimization is the “pinch-point” method, i.e. imposing the minimum temperature difference between the two agents.
The worldwide demand for combined cycle power plants is growing dramatically, with some experts forecasting explosive growth over the next decade. In its basic form, a gas turbine exhausting into a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) that supplies steam to a steam turbine cycle is the most efficient system of generating electric electricity today. The last two decades with unit plant efficiencies of 30% to 35%, comparable to the state-of-the-art fossil-fired power stations. The below calculations give the information about the performance increased by installing the HRSG in combined cycle power plant.

A.      Steam Power Plant

Power plants generate electrical power by using fuels like coal, oil or natural gas. A simple power plant consists of a boiler, turbine, condenser and a pump. Fuel, burned in the boiler and super heater, heats the water to generate steam. The steam is then heated to a superheated state in the super heater. This steam is used to rotate the turbine which powers the generator.
Fig. 1: Layout of Steam power plant

